
Mark Borja

President & Founder

Back in October 2017, I was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer, I lost my left testicle. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through and now I want to make a difference because I don't ever want myself or any other man to ever feel like they are less because of it. Two years later, I am cancer free and I work as an extension of the Testicular Cancer Foundation in Charlotte, NC. As a film maker / creative in the North Carolina area, I do what I can in the best way I know how… Utilizing my content as a way to spread awareness & funds for the organization.

No man ever should ever go through such a physical and mental pain. If you are survivor or still going through the fight, we want you to know that this is your home.

Join our cause.

Every year we create fundraisers to donate to Testicular Cancer Research & various establishments with the goal of creating a mental health support group that is based in Charlotte, NC to promote preventative checks for Testicular Cancer, overall awareness & mental help for those who have suffered from this terrible disease. Only together we stay strong, only together we save a nut!


Michael Naclerio

Vice President

My name is Michael Naclerio, I work as the Market Maintenance Representative for American Homes 4 Rents Charlotte Division and I am actively serving as Vice President of the Save-A-Nut Organization.  

Being a part of Save-A-Nut means being a part of something greater than yourself.  It’s an opportunity to be with an organization that is actively seeking action and reform for the betterment of their fellow man.  This organization is centered around young and ambitious individuals that challenge current standards and drive positive change within the community.  To be surrounded by exceptional individuals fighting for a cause of this magnitude is truly gratifying and something to be proud of.


Austin Reed

First Officer


Jonah Knight

Second Officer

My name is Jonah Forte and I am a proud officer with Save-a-Nut. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina - I enjoy helping others in need however I can. So when my friend Mark Borja shared with me his journey beating Testicular cancer, and how he wanted to help spread awareness of this illness and how people can get treatment for it - I know wanted to help however I could. Being an officer lets me assist Save-a-Nut with day to day operations, participate in Save-a-Nut events, brainstorm ideas to achieve the organization's goals and more.

I feel proud to be apart of this team and helping spread awareness of this illness to help save the nuts of the world. When I'm not out Saving Nuts I enjoy spending time with family and friends, working out, riding motorcycles, and deepening my faith with christ. 

Please contact me if you have any questions about the organization I can assist with!


Michael Borja

Medical Advisor

Leah Duchnowski

Secretary & Onsite Volunteer Coordinator


Tracy Borja



Anders J. Hare

Go Nuts Podcast Producer

I’m Anders J. Hare, a music journalist/critic and co-producer of Save A Nut’s accompanying podcast, “Go Nuts.” I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC, and I’m currently studying Communications and Mass Media at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 

My love of music and the entertainment business led me to an internship at the local hip-hop station, WPEG Power 98 at Beasley Media Group, where I met the President and Founder of Save A Nut, Mark Borja. Upon meeting Mark, we bonded over our love of media and storytelling through content creation. When he shared his story of testicular cancer and the organization Save A Nut, I was compelled to join such a valiant initiative in any way that I could. 

I learned of Mark’s idea to expand the Save A Nut brand into a masculism-heavy, self-care podcast aptly titled “Go Nuts,” and I knew it was something I wanted to get involved with. So, we got to work. All of the work I have done with Mark and Save A Nut has opened my eyes to the power that the media holds and how one good idea can change the lives of many.

I can be reached at andersj.hare@gmail.com for all your “Go Nuts” podcast and general media inquiries!

Matt Hirst

Third Officer

My name is Matt Hirst and in September of 2021 I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Testicular Cancer.  I lost my left testicle and went through 3 rounds of chemotherapy but in February 2022 was given the all clear.  I've been in remission for about a year and half now but still was struggling mentally which is a large part of why I wanted to join Save a Nut.

I noticed an immediate improvement as soon as I was able to open up and talk to people about how I was struggling and I want to help provide that opportunity to other men going through the same experience.  I'm a Mu Triton (UNCG) Theta Delta Chi alum and my nickname in school was Scrat the Squirrel (Ice Age) so finding Save a Nut was almost comical and I knew as soon as I started looking for an organization to work with that this was the one.

Advocating for men's mental health in a space where a lot of men are afraid to feel vulnerable or embarrassed is such an important goal. By working with Save a Nut I hope we can destroy that stigma for men's health.

Conor Smith

Fourth Officer

Joey Davalos

Analyst & Leader of Partnerships

Mike Vitale

Brand Ambassador

I’m Michael Vitale a two time testicular cancer survivor stage 3. I felt something strange on my left testicle and told a friend, he advised me to go to the doctor. I did almost 8 weeks later. The next day I was on the operating table having my left testicle removed, don’t make the same mistake that I did. I went through treatment it was extremely difficult on me I was not alone. Approximately 3 years later I had to have my right testicle removed.

I’m in the Essex County area of NJ, after having lost both of my testicles & being faced with losing my implants I felt like I was now losing my manhood. I was working on my mental health & then I met Mark & that showed me how much I wanted to join the team & help other guys know that they didn’t lose their manliness at all.